Monday, February 27, 2017

Personal Art

Four slides from a Power Point presentation showing me drawing
and inking Snoopy as part of a multi-media biographic exercise.

Batman short story, "As long as there shall exist..." (unpublished).

Batman: Gotham by Gaslight sequel story proposal (unpublished).

Prince Tuftan

Pen/brush & ink on 2-ply Bristol board.
Komando and Tuffin in Snoozyland was simply a joke that came
to me while visiting the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library Museum.
I thought, "What if Jack Kirby's, Kamandi and Prince Tuftan
were really nothing more than characters in one of Calvin's
(and Hobbes') bad dreams?" Including the bed from the
classic Little Nemo in Slumberland speaks for itself.

All of the black & white art is original pen/brush and ink on 2-ply
Bristol board. Colors for the first four panels were scanned from
old comic books, while the last panel is digitally colored using
palette based on the original comic strip colors.
Tarzan Sleeps

Brush/pen & ink on 2-ply Bristol board.


This was a T-shirt design for Null G Sports consisting of three
silkscreen plates (white, blue and violet). The blue and violet
plates deliberately overlapped to create a fourth color. Once
printed on a black T-shirt the bleed-through from the shirt
created the silhouette of the hang-glider -- essentially
adding a de facto fifth color to the design.

The blue and violet plates stacked on the left were made
using brush and ink on clear acetate.

2012 Family Christmas card. Cover (left panel) and interior (right 2 panels).
2014 Family Christmas card. Cover (left panel) and interior (right panel).

2017 Family Christmas card. Cover (left panel) and interior (right panel).
2016 Family Christmas card. Cover (left panel) and interior (right panel).

Client: Brighter Child Interactive
Character designs supplied by client.

Client: Brighter Child Interactive
Character designs supplied by client.

Company Logo -- English Version

Company Logo -- Gaelic Version

Irish Flag -- Concept 1

Irish Flag -- Concept 2 -- with peace (white) shamrock

Irish Yin and Yang with traditional shamrocks 
Irish Yin and Yang with peace (white) shamrocks 

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