Monday, February 27, 2017

My Students -- Digital Artmaking at OSU

For four years I taught an undergraduate Digital Artmaking course for The Ohio State
University’s Arts Administration, Education and Policy Department. It was a General
Education (GE) class aimed at fulfilling enrichment requirements for non-art majors.
We primarily used Photoshop on a Mac platform with a mouse for editing images.

In addition to Photoshop we also explored Social Media and the influences of visual
advertising. One class specifically looked at commercials their parents would have
seen, so they could understand how little targeted advertising has changed
(today’s Axe commercials are simply a re-imagining of the classic Hai
Karate ones). It was my intention to help non-art students think like
artists and freely create art important to them. My student
approval rating averaged 98% over six consecutive
terms. The following is an art gallery of projects
by some of my students.

Communication Major
Chick Flick/Guy Pick Movie Poster Mash-up

Architecture Major
Applying textures to contoured surface

Environmental Science Major
Personal Project

Engineering Major
Chick Flick/Guy Pick Movie Poster Mash-up

Architecture Major
Personal Project/Layered Meaning

Although this piece is visually interesting, only by exploring the
actual file and hiding or unhiding layers can the viewer reveal
the complex messages in this work of art. In this manner
the student could decide what they wanted to share
and with whom. A flattened file for casual
acquaintances and a layered file
for personal friends.

Education and Human Ecology Major
Personal Project

Psychology Major
Personal Project

Civil and Environmental Engineering Major
Create a Magazine Cover

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